My Story

Laura Stetler, Founder & Wordsmithing Coach

I love people. 
I have fun with words. 

As a strategist and wordsmith, I love helping people navigate the in-between space of transitions. Sometimes this is changing roles, careers, or making headway on that big project. Other times it is knowing that you need to do something different but are not sure of what or how to get there. It can be a daunting time of isolation and uncertainty, especially if unplanned. This in-between, liminal space, is where I specialize.

I’ve had good practice explaining my own plot twists to inquiries such as…

“What do you do? Tell me about yourself.” 

I am a conservatory-trained violinist turned trainer/program manager/business strategist/executive coach who enjoys food!

Conservatory-trained violinist

Turned Trainer

Program Manager

Executive Coach who enjoys design, travel, & food!

“Where are you from?” 

Born and raised in the big sky country of Western Montana,  though residing there was 12+ moves ago. I play both kinds of fiddle and I have lived/worked on both coasts (north and south) as well as overseas, courtesy of military life.

Big Sky Country where I learned to ski.

Western Montana -
Where is Missoula?

Both kinds of fiddle…Classical and  
Old Time Fiddle.

12+ Moves.



and Overseas

Courtesy of Military Life

"What do you bring?"

Toughness and 

Twinkle when approaching challenges. 

Deep understanding of surprise, loss, and change... the in-between things exceptionally well with over 15 years of military life and professional remodeling in over 6 different locations

Commanding calm and breadth of experience in arts organizations (big and small), educational institutions, and levels of government alongside economic development.

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